Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What I learned throughout the semester?

I learned a lot about google in which I would have never learned. I did not realize that presentations, word documents, and spreadsheets could be done using google. I loved that we made an iGoogle page. They were so cool. We also made a blog in which we were to make post throughout the semester pertaining to various assignments Dr.Strange gave. These post dealt with things such as listening to numerous podcast through iTunes, attending an ACCESS lab, and looking up teachers who may use blogs for their classroom.

I also learned about a program called Picasa. Picasa is a photograph program that allows you to do a number of things with photos. I really enjoyed learning about this program and since I got my camera last year for Christmas. I have been doing nothing but taking pictures during different holidays and special occasions. I believe I will use this program in the future. Thanks Dr. Strange for introducing us to Picasa.

Overall, I really enjoyed the EDM 310 class. Dr. Strange is a great teacher who knows how to make things happen technologically with using google.

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